How about a cup of coffee to start…

Well, the day has arrived;  I have finally started a food blog!  For anyone that knows me, this endeavor will not come as a surprise.  I live for food.  It is my favorite thing to talk about, in depth, all day long.  The subject brings me to life, and now it is time to share with you all.

I have been struggling for weeks with the “perfect 1st blog post”, following the mantra ‘you only have one first impression’. This got me thinking to my time living in England and how the second you walk into someone’s house they offer you ‘a cuppa’, which is simply a cup of tea or coffee. It is such a simple gesture; offering someone a cup of something.

So on that note I am going to begin with a cup of coffee; this gorgeous elixir from the gods that fuels me daily and is something I cannot live without (I tried and it was disastrous).

When it comes to coffee I have learned that there are very few establishments that can make a cup worth spending $6 on.  Like everything else in life, if you want something done right just do it yourself (and there is no line and no one spelling your name wrong on a cup!).

This brings me to the greatest $30 investment ever- The Aeropress. How it works is the coffee grinds are steep for 30-45 seconds and then you press the plunger down (this takes some effort), the coffee is  plunged through a micro filter with the help of air pressure giving you a smooth yet robust cup of coffee.

OK, now that we have gotten coffee out of the way I will now focus on food and the occasional cocktail.  Enjoy!

Two heaping tablespoons of dark roast coffee ground fine


Fill with hot water
Stir then press after 45 seconds (you are going to have to use some strength here)
Treat yourself to a latte…just heat some milk in a small saucepan and then use a hand blender (or a whisk) to froth it up!
Voila! This probably cost fifty cents to make. *No fancy machine required.




7 Comments Add yours

  1. Amy says:

    I love you. And your love of food (especially when I can reap the benefits!). I am so proud of you for following what it is that inspires you.
    P.S. I have been using the Aeropress for years. Game changer.


  2. Amanda says:

    Kelly!! I am so happy that your blog is up and running! Perfect first post! I love you and cannot wait to follow you on this journey. Love!


  3. Amanda says:

    Kelly!! I am so excited that you have started a blog! Perfect first post! I love you and am so excited to follow you on this journey! Love!


  4. Sarah says:

    Kelly, this is so great! Can’t wait to read more!


    1. Kelly Slavin says:

      Thanks for reading, Sarah!


  5. Joe slavin says:

    we are so proud of you, kel!!!


  6. Colleen Keefe Roach says:

    I love the aero press. Kelly I look forward to your blogposts. I too enjoy good food made right!congrats on starting this.


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